“We are at a precipice in this country, and we are either going to move forward or we are not.” - Carrie Mae Weems
In 2016, nearly half of the eligible US voters opted to forgo one of their fundamental civil rights and did not vote. This means that over 100 million Americans were so irreconcilably disengaged from politics that they could not be bothered to have their say. Worryingly, a whopping 20% of this 100 million is planning to do the same this year. The reason? They are simply not interested and do not care about politics. If you think about it, these 'indifferents' have just as much decision-making power as the other half who does want its voice heard in the political conversation. This very complex and, for me, entirely unfathomable issue is thoroughly explored by the 100 Million Project, a survey that quizzed 13,000 chronic non-voters.
In a bid to counter voter suppression and encourage people to vote in the forthcoming elections, legendary American artist and activist Carrie Mae Weems (of the iconic Kitchen Table Series fame) is once again using her work as a catalyst for social change. Her work and that of 7 other artists, such as Ed Ruscha and Jenny Holzer, is being displayed on 350 digital screens across 16 US cities until Election Day. It is estimated that these billboards will be seen by some 3 million people every day, reaching more than 106 million people throughout the campaign.
Only 2 weeks left, guys. Go register and VOTE.
#election2020 #democracy #whenweallvote #vote #100millionproject #govote #votehimout #yourvotematters #makeyourvotecount #voteblue #carriemaeweems #art #artblog #artblogger #beyondthecanvasblog

A billboard designed by Weems for the “Art for Action” campaign.